36 | Katherine Miller's Music Teacher Journey

Season #2 Episode #36

In this episode I share a conversation with Katherine Miller on her music teacher journey.

Katherine Miller proudly teaches Kindergarten-5th grade music in Waukesha, WI as well as serving as a model tech classroom for her district. In 2018, she was recognized as a WPT Education Innovator by Wisconsin Public Television Education.

Katherine holds a Bachelor of Music in Education degree from Otterbein University (Westerville, OH) and a Masters of Educational Leadership from Antioch McGregor Midwest (Yellow Springs, OH).  The training she received gave her a firm foundation in leading a Kodály-inspired classroom. She also loves to incorporate technology as another tool students can use to be their most musical selves.

In her free time, you can find Katherine with a good book, a great travel companion or her chocolate Lab.

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